I’m bad at posting again
I know that I should be posting more often, but I’ve actually been really busy lately.
First off, I’ve been working on Strange Romance like a mad woman. I have finished all the inking and need to do the colouring. I’m waiting on my writer to let me know if he would like me to do watercolour and marker or digital. Either one is fine with me.
Secondly, I’ve been saving up for a new drawing art tablet. It’s not a Cintiq, as I’d be saving for years for that expensive sucker, so instead, I’ll be getting a Yiynova MSP 19U+ v5. They should really come out with a better name for it. Anyway, it’s supposed to be about as good as the Cintiq and about $2000 less expensive.
Third, I’ve been going to a lot of conventions. MCX was my first convention and I did amazingly well. Since then, I’ve been to Oshawa con, where I did okay, and to Forest City Comic Con, where I did really, really well again. I’m getting the hang of tabling and have big plans for an upcoming convention in December. I have two more cons before the end of the year: Sheridan College con, which is a Friday con, and Festivus con in downtown Toronto, where I am sharing a table with my artbuddy, Chris.
I have a ton of knitting to get done, as well as more prints. I’ll be working on crap every single day until the end of the con season of 2015…. and I’m already thinking about 2016. It’s going to be a busy rest of the year 🙂
Yiynova MSP19u+ v5
It may look like a bunch of letters, but there are actually many aspects of the newest Yiynova 19 inch tablet which makes it better than the Cintiq — particularly, the $800 price tag.
Thing is, I’m not going to be able to get it for a really long time, and as nice as my Wacom Bamboo tablet is, an on screen drawing tablet would be far superior for me to work with.
SO, as much as I hate people asking for money, I’m going to become one of them. I’ve set up a GoFundMe page for the big price tag of $800 and will see if I can manage to get a bit of cash from people who are willing to support my fledgling art career.
If I reach my goal, I’ll send everyone who pledged $15 or more at least one art print as my thank you to them. The more you pledge, the more prints you get.
In other news, I’m all rested up from my time at Fan Expo and am ready to get this house clean as soon as possible. My mom is giving me a huge hand in it and I plan on helping her make it go as easily as possible. Then, off to Thunder Bay for a week, and after that, a small comic convention in Mississauga where I can hopefully sell some more prints.
The kids are in school, so I’ll be an art machine and will feel a lot more freedom, as well as a lot less stress.
Fan Expo
I’d post more, but I’m really really tired. I worked the Toronto Comics table today and yesterday and while working, I spotted a girl who looks just like one of the pictures I drew awhile back.
Check this freaky-deaky shit out!
Steampunk lady was super duper nice. She and I chatted a bit and she walked away with a self portrait.
Bedtime soon. I’m so tired I could pass out right now.
Actually, that sounds like a great idea.
A nice, slow day.
Well, our plans fell through for the Santa Claus Parade, and I send my deepest condolences to Lisa for her family’s loss… part of me is a little bit happy that I can relax and do some stuff around the house. Alex and I are going to set up the new bunk beds for the boys! Nick’s been chomping at the bit to get the new bunk beds set up so that he can sleep on the top like a real big boy.
I haven’t started my revisions to the script yet, either. I spent a lot of time knitting yesterday and after Nick pulled a huge bullshit move at school, I will be adding yet another name to the list of things I need to do. What did he do? He stole the librarian’s personal keys for her car and house on Thursday and she had to call for assistance. $500. Cos of my kid. Anyway, he owned up to it on Friday and I brought him home to find the keys, which he had stashed away like a little bastard. At least he could find them.
So, because I don’t have $500, I will be knitting the librarian a lovely winter accessory with my own handspun yarn. She never asked for any reimbursement or compensation and she is a very forgiving lady, but I think it would be sort of an asshole move not to do anything for her.
When Nick got home yesterday, he had to clean up a big mess and didn’t get to watch tv. He still has that task today, still with no tv, and he will not be getting any tv until he finishes cleaning up that toy room. It’s his and his brother’s mess and he needs to learn to clean up after himself. He knows how, but just won’t, because kids.
It was my day to sleep in and it wasn’t very restful. The whole morning was a combination of Rusty screaming and Nick tattling on Rusty for stupid shit that doesn’t fucking matter. SO, I got up and brewed some tea and did a daily drawing.
About today’s drawing: consider it a sketch. I’ll refine it tomorrow and eventually colour it. That character holds a special place in my heart and I have always loved drawing her.
Anyway, I have shit to do today, including making lunch for the demonspawn and then getting stuff out of the boys room to set up the new beds. I’m gonna be sore tomorrow.
Daily Drawing – November 28th, 2014
Daily Drawing – November 26th, 2014
Chugging along.
Well, I was up fairly late last night writing, but I got a bunch of kinks worked out. The story is coming along really nicely. Hopefully, I’ll have the script done by Thursday so I can ask Ty what he thinks of it and for any ideas. The story has really come a long way since I pitched it to the class and I’m actually really proud of myself. I’ve thought of a bunch of great angles and shots to draw and I’ll be headed down to the area I need to draw to take photos soon. I want to have all the pencils for my story done by Christmas.
And all of this is thanks to Ty’s writing class. If any of my readers are from Toronto and if any of you want to draw or write comics, take Ty’s course. It’s worth it a hundred times over.
In other news, we had a family game day, yesterday. Nick played Wii Sports and Wii Play all day. He loves the mini tanks game the most and is getting better and better at it. We ended game day with Mario Kart. I think Sunday will be the game day if he’s had a good week and that Wii would be a good reward for when he finishes his homework.
His reading is coming along really nicely. He tries to read everything he sees and gets it right a lot of the time. I’m really proud of him.
Rusty’s speech is also coming, though slowly. He’s picking up more words. I worked on and finished his word charts yesterday. We have a schedule now and a “I want” chart so he can tell me what he wants without screaming at me.
I’ve decided on life drawings for today for the daily drawing. I drew Russell from an existing photo because he’s a squirmy little bastard who won’t stay still. It looks like him, so I feel successful today in my art.
Today’s tea was Canadian, EH? from T by David. Super smooth and yummy.
Today’s agenda is pretty chill. Nick is home from school with a mild fever and a sore throat so I imagine the tv and the cartoons will be going all day. That’s all right. At least I can get some things done. if I get a chance, I’ll head up to see my knitting friends later and drop off their popcorn orders from Nick’s scout troupe.
On the knitting project front, I have one doll dress to make, the brunette doll, a dwarven battle bonnet, a cowl, something for my mother, and a mystery gift for Ty. I’ll post pics of the projects after Christmas so that nobody is inadvertently spoiled.