Busy Busy Busy

I’ve been so busy lately and my house is suffering for it. It’s seriously such a mess. I need to get on it, but also, my job calls. What am I doing? COMICS! I’m making comics for a living now and it’s great.

In sunnier news, the Strays Kickstarter is almost over. I’ve made enough to cover about 3/4 of my print costs, which helps extraordinarily. So many thanks to so many awesome people for the support.

Thirdly, I’m now working on a children’s comic. I’ll make some posts about it soon and add it to my projects page and daily drawings. It’s called Skelt and Apy and is due out this August.

MCX – Mississauga Comic eXpo

I’ve sat at tables at conventions before, but up until yesterday, they were tables owned by other people. Yesterday, I sat at a table that was my own and experienced Mississauga’s first comic convention. It was a small and friendly con, but it was run very well by local artist Aaron Ong. I had a lot of fun talking to all the people and giving away free colouring pages to all the kids.

My bread and butter was Toronto Comics, which I expected. I sold out on volume 1s (11) and sold five volume 2s. I also sold a good number of stickers and prints.  I also learned the consequences of being one of the first tables people visit: they want to check out the rest of the con first, and by the time they get back to you, they’re broke. Damnit!

I’m glad I had my Square with me. I actually did a good chunk of my sales by credit card. Such a handy little thing.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the event. I was at my table for 95% of the con and didn’t take any photos; just selfish photos of my own stuff 😛 The latter two pictures were taken by local comic store Image Collections.

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Drove a lot, today.

Yep. Saturday proved to be a busy day.

Alex left before 8am for motorcycle training and I decided to take advantage of a beautiful day and GSD.


I made a lot of stops since I left the house before 9 this morning.

1. Local community centre had a free pancake breakfast today
2. Drove up to Stadium Comics in Brampton to see Ty​ and Keiren​ at their Free Comic Book Day. Also saw Meaghan​ there!. Ty drew an awesome Thor for Nick. It was great seeing you, but do rest when you get home 🙂
3. Onward from there to the Neilson Park Creative Centre where I saw Cindy​ and Salad​ where I picked up a little art yarn kit. So excited to play with that 😀
4. After this, we stopped at CostCo in Mississauga East to get gas. Waited a good 15 mins for it but got a really good price, compared to other stations.
5, Hit the highway after CostCo and got a pile of free comics for me and Nick and Rusty to all read at Altered State Comics in Clarkson Village.
6. Because the boys were actually really good and really patient all day, I took them to McDonalds for lunch and let them blow off some steam in the playplace.

Then, home.

The whole trip was about 75km. Rusty is in bed to nap and I just wanna put up my feet and take a nap, myself.

So I will.

Tomorrow is opening day at Wonderland. More driving and more walking, but it’ll be oh so satisfying.