I’m bad at posting again

I know that I should be posting more often, but I’ve actually been really busy lately.

First off, I’ve been working on Strange Romance like a mad woman. I have finished all the inking and need to do the colouring. I’m waiting on my writer to let me know if he would like me to do watercolour and marker or digital. Either one is fine with me.

Secondly, I’ve been saving up for a new drawing art tablet. It’s not a Cintiq, as I’d be saving for years for that expensive sucker, so instead, I’ll be getting a Yiynova MSP 19U+ v5. They should really come out with a better name for it. Anyway, it’s supposed to be about as good as the Cintiq and about $2000 less expensive.

Third, I’ve been going to a lot of conventions.  MCX was my first convention and I did amazingly well. Since then, I’ve been to Oshawa con, where I did okay, and to Forest City Comic Con, where I did really, really well again. I’m getting the hang of tabling and have big plans for an upcoming convention in December.  I have two more cons before the end of the year: Sheridan College con, which is a Friday con, and Festivus con in downtown Toronto, where I am sharing a table with my artbuddy, Chris.

I have a ton of knitting to get done, as well as more prints. I’ll be working on crap every single day until the end of the con season of 2015…. and I’m already thinking about 2016. It’s going to be a busy rest of the year 🙂

Yiynova MSP19u+ v5

It may look like a bunch of letters, but there are actually many aspects of the newest Yiynova 19 inch tablet which makes it better than the Cintiq — particularly, the $800 price tag.

Thing is, I’m not going to be able to get it for a really long time, and as nice as my Wacom Bamboo tablet is, an on screen drawing tablet would be far superior for me to work with.

SO, as much as I hate people asking for money, I’m going to become one of them.  I’ve set up a GoFundMe page for the big price tag of $800 and will see if I can manage to get a bit of cash from people who are willing to support my fledgling art career.

If I reach my goal, I’ll send everyone who pledged $15 or more at least one art print as my thank you to them. The more you pledge, the more prints you get.

In other news, I’m all rested up from my time at Fan Expo and am ready to get this house clean as soon as possible. My mom is giving me a huge hand in it and I plan on helping her make it go as easily as possible. Then, off to Thunder Bay for a week, and after that, a small comic convention in Mississauga where I can hopefully sell some more prints.

The kids are in school, so I’ll be an art machine and will feel a lot more freedom, as well as a lot less stress.

Fan Expo

I’d post more, but I’m really really tired. I worked the Toronto Comics table today and yesterday and while working, I spotted a girl who looks just like one of the pictures I drew awhile back.

Check this freaky-deaky shit out!

Steampunk lady was super duper nice. She and I chatted a bit and she walked away with a self portrait.

Bedtime soon. I’m so tired I could pass out right now.

Actually, that sounds like a great idea.

Awesome. Just awesome.

And I mean Awesome as in actually Awesome and not Sarcastic-Awesome.

I’ve been on a drawing streak. I’ve organised my copics, coloured with them, and done a lot of pages for Strays. The script is constantly being modified in little ways as I receive feedback and I’m pumping out the storyboards like gangbusters.

I am currently halfway done the Strays comic in storyboarding. Check it out in the Portfolio link at the top of the page for the most recent images.

I’ve been on a crazy sleep schedule but it enables me to actually get stuff done.

Tonight’s dinner is homemade burritos. It will be glorious. 🙂

I missed a day!

Not that anyone reads this, hahaha, but yeah. I missed yesterday. You know, it completely slipped my mind, but to make up for it, I have some pics to show off. I inked for a good four hours yesterday and am going to spend a generous chunk of today inking, too.

I also got the chance to play with my new copic markers the other night. I drew a simple Ivy and Harley picture and did some experimentation.  I think paper will have a lot to do with it, though this sketchbook has 60 lb paper. Regardless, I’m going to give it a try on my mixed media paper to see how that works out. It’s definitely a thicker grade paper and will probably retain the ink better.

I just need to figure out what I want to draw on it.

In other news, nothing really is going on. I have to do groceries and I have to run a couple errands, but they can wait until after I finish all my drawing for the day. We have no plans for tonight and no plans for tomorrow, as per the norm. Maybe I’ll make Chinese food tomorrow to carry on my grandmother’s New Years traditions.

Yesterday was a bad day, emotionally. I felt like complete shit for the majority of the day and it only started to lift later in the evening, somewhat.

Anyway, that’s all for now. I’ll upload some art as separate posts to fill in the appropriate days.

Well, at least Monday is over.

It was a hell of a day.  The kids were really good for the morning, which was luckily enough to finish my daily drawing, but I sat alone with my thoughts and soon was completely miserable, by my own doing. All the reasons why are in that post I made, yesterday.  Anyway, when the kids were done resting, the sick was replaced with evil and they were back to normal, picking on each other till one of them screamed.  Because it took so long for them to get back to health, I hadn’t done my errands. Who wants to drag two kids around who are throwing up and pissing out their butts? Not me.

Anyway, I made dinner and called Alex, who picked up gifts for Beaver Scouts last night and he met me, albeit late, after a nasty exchange on the phone on the way.

Nick was really into the visit from Santa and Rusty hid behind me from Santa, but when Santa gave him a gift, Rusty said “Thank you”, which is a huge step, as he’s never said it before.

Alex joined us when the kids were eating snacks and he and I were civil again, thankfully. He wanted to go back to work but was really kind to let me drive out to see my friends at knit night. By the time I got there, they were waiting for the bill, but nobody had left yet and I was able to give them all a print for Christmas and stay and chat awhile.

I then drove home and told Alex he could head back to work but he decided not to. I could’ve stayed longer.

Ah well.

This morning was awful for getting up. Neither Alex nor I wanted to get up and we barely got Nick out the door. I was left to take care of the garbage by myself, so I did.

Today’s daily drawing is a gift for my son’s principal who likes both dinosaurs and Dr Who. I hope he enjoys it.

Have a great Tuesday!

So much to do!

Well, yesterday was busy. I inked 1/3 of page 2 of The Red Surge. Today, only one panel, and not even the whole panel. I just have too much to do, plus my children are wild animals who are crawling all over me like parasites. SO, I got an hour of drawing in, but that’ll have to be it.

Tomorrow is my major focus. There’s a Comiccon one day event and Toronto Comix has a table. I’ll be going to sit at the table and am bringing my art supplies, some old paintings to sell, and some prints. I have to get prints made today to sell tomorrow. I think $10 each is a fair price.

Other things to do today: Get Alex’s gift from the boys. I have something thoughtful in mind and it’s a cheap gift. Therefore, all good. Also, his gift from Santa, which is the basic yearly gift he gets of underwear and socks.

I got to sleep in today until 11, which was an amazing treat. I wasn’t expecting to be able to sleep so late.

Anyway, with so much to do, I’d better get my prints on SD card and ready to bring to Staples. Happy Saturday!