Yiynova MSP19u+ v5

It may look like a bunch of letters, but there are actually many aspects of the newest Yiynova 19 inch tablet which makes it better than the Cintiq — particularly, the $800 price tag.

Thing is, I’m not going to be able to get it for a really long time, and as nice as my Wacom Bamboo tablet is, an on screen drawing tablet would be far superior for me to work with.

SO, as much as I hate people asking for money, I’m going to become one of them.  I’ve set up a GoFundMe page for the big price tag of $800 and will see if I can manage to get a bit of cash from people who are willing to support my fledgling art career.

If I reach my goal, I’ll send everyone who pledged $15 or more at least one art print as my thank you to them. The more you pledge, the more prints you get.

In other news, I’m all rested up from my time at Fan Expo and am ready to get this house clean as soon as possible. My mom is giving me a huge hand in it and I plan on helping her make it go as easily as possible. Then, off to Thunder Bay for a week, and after that, a small comic convention in Mississauga where I can hopefully sell some more prints.

The kids are in school, so I’ll be an art machine and will feel a lot more freedom, as well as a lot less stress.

An Early Morning

It’s been awhile since I simply snapped awake, unable to fall back asleep, but it happened today.  I’m pretty sure that it’s gym related, as I’ve been back at it this week.  I need to pick up a sheet from the front desk and start tracking my progress on the circuit.

So, with Ty having had a heart attack, I decided that it’s finally time to stop being a lazy, sedentary blob and go back to the gym, for which I’ve been paying for months without using. I hate wasting money and the gym is good for Russell, too, as he goes to the daycare room, so really, I have no excuse not to go.

And Monday came around. I thought I had all my gear together… or so I thought. I had a lock, but it wasn’t my normal lock. I had no idea what the combination was.  My gym bag was pissed on by the cats. I forgot spare socks/shoes. I forgot my yoga bag. I forgot snacks for the boys in child minding. I forgot a post workout snack. Yeesh! At least I was motivated to go, yes?

I grabbed both boys, as Nick had a day off school, and I headed in to the gym. I lasted only 15 minutes of BodyVive and was feeling enormously shitty about how out of shape I am, but I didn’t let that stop me.

I hopped on the treadmill for 10 minutes and then worked the circuit for 20. When I started feeling nauseous (probably due to forgetting breakfast…) I stopped and cooled down. All in all, I had a really good 45ish minute workout. My muscles reminded me how good a workout it was the next day. Hell, my muscles are still reminding me how good that workout was 😛

Tuesday was supposed to be my run day but my body said HELL NO, BITCH. Plus, it was cold and rainy by the time I wanted to run. So, I skipped it.

Wednesday, yesterday, was another gym day. I was a bit better this time. I got a new gym bag on Monday from Kathy, the saleswoman. It has a bit of a defect with the end zipper, but the rest of the bag seems fairly intact. She was nice enough to give me a free bag so I’m not gonna complain about it. I went to Newbody and actually lasted long enough to feel good about myself: 25 minutes this time.  I hit the machines for the next 20 minutes, then headed back into Newbody to try the Flex bar workout in order to cool down.

I’m really pleased to have finished an entire hour of working out.

Today, I suffer again… but if the weather is nice later, I’ll go for a short run, just to loosen up. I may also hit the gym again, just to use the foam roller and let Rusty socialise.  Hell, I might even do a walk/run while I’m there. Might as well, so I don’t have to later. We’ll see how things go.

Other things on my agenda:

  1. get cat food
  2. another load of laundry
  3. probably nap, as I got up at 5:45 today. Effing sun is finally coming up and is blinding me 😛
  4. draw (Pocky’s Totoro pics)
  5. drink moar tea. ALL THE TEA.

Drove a lot, today.

Yep. Saturday proved to be a busy day.

Alex left before 8am for motorcycle training and I decided to take advantage of a beautiful day and GSD.


I made a lot of stops since I left the house before 9 this morning.

1. Local community centre had a free pancake breakfast today
2. Drove up to Stadium Comics in Brampton to see Ty​ and Keiren​ at their Free Comic Book Day. Also saw Meaghan​ there!. Ty drew an awesome Thor for Nick. It was great seeing you, but do rest when you get home 🙂
3. Onward from there to the Neilson Park Creative Centre where I saw Cindy​ and Salad​ where I picked up a little art yarn kit. So excited to play with that 😀
4. After this, we stopped at CostCo in Mississauga East to get gas. Waited a good 15 mins for it but got a really good price, compared to other stations.
5, Hit the highway after CostCo and got a pile of free comics for me and Nick and Rusty to all read at Altered State Comics in Clarkson Village.
6. Because the boys were actually really good and really patient all day, I took them to McDonalds for lunch and let them blow off some steam in the playplace.

Then, home.

The whole trip was about 75km. Rusty is in bed to nap and I just wanna put up my feet and take a nap, myself.

So I will.

Tomorrow is opening day at Wonderland. More driving and more walking, but it’ll be oh so satisfying.

Again, So Very Tired

I’m just exhausted. Yesterday, I was a walking zombie.  I brought Rusty to speech therapy, met Alex for lunch, and got home at 3. The clocks in my house still said 2 and I thought I had an hour to nap, but upon checking my phone, I realised it was really 3pm. Balls.

So, we picked up Nick and went to get his hair cut.  He looks like a little boy instead of a dirty hippie now. After the haircut, we got some groceries and went home.

My neighbour was out and about and I invited him in to talk since I didn’t want to stand outside and talk (and I had groceries to bring in). We ended up yapping for about 40 minutes about various crap and when he left, I was in a dead hurry to get dinner ready.

Alex got home shortly after six and as soon as dinner was ready I grabbed some knitting, hopped in the car, and hung out at Panera for a few hours.

After I got home, Alex brought to my attention an egg of Skittles candy on a shelf out of Nick’s reach. He had it in his room and was trying to sneak eat it. He told his dad that I said it was okay for him to have it.  I knew immediately that he was lying. When we were at the grocery store, he wanted one and I had said no.  While I wasn’t looking, he put it into his pocket and finally successfully shoplifted it. (I had busted his previous two attempts at shoplifting) So, today after school, we’re going to the store to return it and he’s telling the cashier that he stole it and he is very sorry.

If he ever does it again, we’re going to the police station where he can tell the police what he did. He’s convinced that if he ever steals again he’ll go to jail. So, if it so happens that he does shoplift again, I’m going to ask the cops if they can bring him to a jail cell for 30 minutes or so, just to scare him straight. We’ll see. I just hope he never steals again.

Little fucker.

I’m not blaming Daylight Savings

But holy fuck, am I ever tired. The adjusted clock read 10:40pm and I was just completely done for the day, so I went to bed.  We bought some new Melatonin for me since I ran out and I was back into my bedtime routine and although it took me about ten minutes to fall asleep, I slept well for a couple of hours. It was probably around 2am that I first got up and from then until the alarm went off, it was toss, turn, nightmare, gas, and pain in my arm. It was an almost-gall attack again but thankfully not full blown. Today, I just feel like complete shite. I have a mild headache and a general uneasiness in self.

Still, it’s not going to stop me from making a daily post and doing some drawing. I’m almost done page 6 of the Surge. I’ll work on that before Rusty’s speech therapy and then be on my way by noon for that. Nick needs a haircut after school today because he thinks he’s starting to look like a girl. He took a bath last night and his hair was puffy today. I found him a hooded shirt so he could hide his hair, haha. Sometimes he actually kind of acts like a girl… when it comes to his hair, at least.

No daily drawing for today since I’ll be inking for the Surge. If I draw something, I’ll post it later.

I haven’t posted in two months.

I fell out of the habit of posting everyday really quickly when I fell ill. It’s been a horrible couple of months, physically, and sort of emotionally. I’ve just been feeling gloomy and like general shit about everything for reasons too personal to go into over the blog. Regardless, there it is. FWP to the Nth degree.

The good news is that over the past two months where I’ve been practically nonexistent, I finished my contribution to Toronto Comics volume 2. I illustrated, inked, and lettered a story written by Daniel Reynolds and got it in the day before the deadline, February 28th.

On the art front, I have a couple of things to mention.  I’m working on the Red Surge again and hope to finish that soon. I’m doing the inks in Sai and the background line work in Manga Studio because I really dig their perspective tool.

As far as other art is concerned, I’m working on a Totoro piece for a dear friend of mine. He commissioned three pictures of Totoro for his young boy: Totoro on a train, Totoro in a car, and Totoro in the Cat Bus.

I’ll make Totoro on the train a daily drawing pic, even though I did it a few weeks ago and it’s still a WIP. Cheating, cheating.

I’ll try to post everyday again.

Habits, habits

I need to form the habits again to be posting every single day.

It’s amazing how when you stop doing something for as little a time as a week, the habit just falls away. I was writing and drawing everyday and posting both and then after the week before Christmas, stopped. I will commit to this again.

On the drawing front, I actually HAVE been drawing on a daily basis, but I just haven’t been posting anything for it. I’m working on the Surge still and I’ve finally finished the concept drawings for Toronto Comix vol 2. I just haven’t been posting them because I’ve actually been ill the last few days.

Even as I type this right now, I have the chills while sweating.

Last night, we took the tree down and I did a good chunk of the work while sitting. Sweeping and bending over took a lot out of me and when it came time for bed, I passed right out.  I had another cramp attack earlier that day, too, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as before, which leads me to believe that it might’ve been a symptom of what I have, considering that Alex had the same cramps a couple days ago.

Or, it was psychosomatic.

Anyway, Alex came home early yesterday to get Nick to Beavers because there was no way in hell I was in any condition to drive.

Today was garbage day and we didn’t get anything out last night. I was in no condition to carry anything up and down stairs and I can’t really blame Alex for not wanting to be alone in taking out all that trash.  Instead, still sick, I took the trash out today. We missed recycling again.

Sunday was a great day. I went to Cindy’s house for a few hours and blended/carded some fibre I’ve been meaning to take care of for a long time, now. I also did some work on a sock that’s been a WIP but put it down after about five rows out of frustration of fucking up. When I got home, I had to cook dinner, and the rest of the evening was spent playing Grey Warden Sparkletwat in DA:O.

That’s that, I suppose. I’m going to get some drawing done, fold some laundry, then stretch out and try to recover until I need to get Nick from school. I have to cook dinner again tonight and I just feel like shit. Still, I have to do it.


This bug just won’t go away.

I swear, I’ve been sick for a couple weeks, now, and it’s driving me crazy.  It’s getting better, I’ll admit, but it still sucks.

Got a few things to do today. We visit Lisa and Blah tomorrow so we’ll need to get Soleil’s Christmas present sorted. I had plans to knit her an adorable doll but just didn’t have the time with the funeral a week before the holidays. She’ll have to settle for a care package and something new handknit for her birthday, instead.

It’s been awhile since I got groceries, too, and it’s starting to become evident whenever I look in the fridge.  Time to stock up.

Nick starts school on Monday. I can’t wait. Monday means gym time again, which also means a completely different streaming schedule. I’ll have to sit down and plan everything accordingly.  I might nix on the classes for a little while, except the Wednesday class and maybe the Tuesday class, and focus on my running and strengthening. I have a lot of weight to lose and I want to do it in the most enjoyable manner, possible.


Happy New Year

What can I say/ I’m exhausted. I’m also old.  No new years parties, no countdowns, no getting loaded. I stayed up till 2am playing Dragon Age and only knew that midnight was coming around when my husband’s phone warned us that it was 11:59, then when my watch beeped at midnight.

Alex got up with the kids this morning and let me sleep a bit but that was rudely interrupted by a little monster with freezing cold hands pawing all over me.

I’m not really impressed. I just want some time away from the kids and the house and for recreational purposes. Not because I have to go to a class (which I do love, just to clarify, but it’s learning and Ty’s classes are intensely brain melting), nor because I have to get groceries or go shopping. And I certainly don’t want my break to be because I am granted two hours to run errands.  Toronto Comix is about as close as I get to time to myself these days, but again, it’s business. It’s a meeting. My brain is always going.

I miss knitting. I miss hanging out with my local friends because nobody wants anything from me. They talk about any shit that pops into their heads. I can swear as much as I want without worrying that a three year old is gonna start dropping F-bombs.

I’m just tired.

Alex goes to work tomorrow, so again, as usual, with the kids I’ll be. Saturday is Lisa’s. Sunday, maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to spend some time with friends.
