I’m not blaming Daylight Savings

But holy fuck, am I ever tired. The adjusted clock read 10:40pm and I was just completely done for the day, so I went to bed.  We bought some new Melatonin for me since I ran out and I was back into my bedtime routine and although it took me about ten minutes to fall asleep, I slept well for a couple of hours. It was probably around 2am that I first got up and from then until the alarm went off, it was toss, turn, nightmare, gas, and pain in my arm. It was an almost-gall attack again but thankfully not full blown. Today, I just feel like complete shite. I have a mild headache and a general uneasiness in self.

Still, it’s not going to stop me from making a daily post and doing some drawing. I’m almost done page 6 of the Surge. I’ll work on that before Rusty’s speech therapy and then be on my way by noon for that. Nick needs a haircut after school today because he thinks he’s starting to look like a girl. He took a bath last night and his hair was puffy today. I found him a hooded shirt so he could hide his hair, haha. Sometimes he actually kind of acts like a girl… when it comes to his hair, at least.

No daily drawing for today since I’ll be inking for the Surge. If I draw something, I’ll post it later.