I am excite!

So, I got a LOT written last night. I wrote the story bibles, the outlines, the supporting cast, and mapped the story out. I then wrote out and did mini thumbnails for the entire first act.

This is all from the little outline I wrote for homework last week. My buddy Tom helped me refine Act IV and I think it really works now.

The comic will be available for free online (with a donation box in case someone likes it enough to toss me a couple bucks) and it’s coming along really  nicely.

In addition to that, I have Red Surge work (which I’ll show in the Projects tab soon) and the second Toronto Comix anthology to work on, as soon as I am assigned a writer to draw for.

In other news, I have a lot of life stuff to deal with today. Alex is brewing beer all morning and afternoon with his buddies and that leaves me with the kids and a giant to do list to take care of. Groceries, cat food, craft supplies, and more. I’m working on a visual communication system for Rusty who isn’t speaking much and I’m really hoping that it’ll continue to make life easier. We have a chart up for him already and it’s working but we need more charts with interchangeable words and demands so that he can make choices. Also, I need to pick up Nick’s scout popcorn order today. I think I’ll just take the boys out for lunch when I run all these errands.

So, with that, I leave you all. Today’s daily drawing is a bit of a cheat, as I decided to colour yesterday’s drawing. IT’S ALLOWED. Have a great Saturday.